Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Review

Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Review – By Ash Blodgett

I was messing around on the LinkedIn Learning platform one day and came across a short 40-minute course called Developing a YouTube Strategy by Ash Blodgett. I had my own YouTube channel and wanted to grow it, so I decided to watch the course and see what happens.

37-minutes later, I watched everything, and I’m ready to review the course. In this article, I will be sharing my experience with the Developing a YouTube Strategy course. Welcome to my Developing a YouTube Strategy course review, where I will review Ash Blodgett’s Developing a YouTube Strategy course on LinkedIn Learning.

What Is The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course?

developing a youtube strategy course thumbnailash blodgett

The Developing a YouTube Strategy course is a 37-minute class on LinkedIn Learning where Ash Blodgett gives you tips and tricks on launching your own YouTube channel.

Since this course is so short, you shouldn’t expect too much out of it. After taking the entire course, you’ll have a general idea of how you should start a YouTube channel and create your channel’s content strategies. You’ll be ready to develop a plan but not necessarily prepared to execute the plan.

Is the course worth the time and money? Let’s talk about it.

Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Contents

So if you’re thinking about taking the Developing a YouTube Strategy course, what are you getting inside? Ash Blodgett will give you ideas on how to start and grow your YouTube business successfully.

Here’s a summary of what you will be getting:

1. Content Strategy

In the first section of the course, Ash Blodgett goes through some tips on building a content strategy. She talks about what type of videos you should create to make a successful YouTube channel. Some of the topics include publishing consistently, viral versus audience-building content, trending versus evergreen content, video formatting, and quality versus quantity.

2. Releasing Strategy

In the second section, Ash Blodgett talks about your video releasing strategy. In this section, you’ll learn how to optimize your videos for search, create a content release schedule, and promote your video on various online platforms.

That’s about it for the course. Like I said before, it’s only a 37-minute course, so don’t expect Ash Blodgett to get really detailed and specific with what she’s teaching.

==> Get The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Here!

What I Like About The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course

1. Great For Beginners Who Want To See What Work Starting A YouTube Channel Entails

Anybody interested in starting their YouTube channel but hasn’t done so already will benefit from this course. This course will help beginners set up their own plan to build a YouTube channel and give some insight into whether they would want to start a YouTube channel anyway.

2. Ash Blodgett Is An Amazing Teacher

By watching the course, you can tell that Ash Blodgett is a very successful YouTuber. Her videos on LinkedIn Learning are very engaging, fun to watch, and educational. You don’t feel like you spent 37-minutes after watching her entire course.

Going back to how the Developing a YouTube Strategy course is excellent for beginners, Ash Blodgett is very good at explaining everything she teaches. Everything is clear and to the point.

What I Don’t Like About The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course

1. It’s Not Specific Enough

The course is only 37 minutes, so I’m not going to bash on how it doesn’t offer enough advice. But I do wish the course was more specific. For every topic, the course left me wanting more. I liked that Ash Blodgett talked about YouTube SEO, but all I learned was that I need to learn YouTube SEO.

The Developing a YouTube Strategy course was pretty much a roadmap for what you need to learn and do. If it could link out to more classes that’ll teach you how to do some of the things Ash Blodgett discussed, this part wouldn’t be a concern to me.

How Much Does The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Cost?

The Developing a YouTube Strategy course comes free with a subscription to LinkedIn Learning which comes with any LinkedIn Premium plan. You’ll probably be looking to get a subscription to LinkedIn Learning at $34.99 CAD or $29.99 USD every month.

You don’t need to buy other tools to follow the Developing a YouTube Strategy course, although Ash Blodgett will recommend some tools you can use in the future.

Is The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Worth It?

So now the big question, is the Developing a YouTube Strategy course worth it?

If you’re going to buy a LinkedIn Learning subscription solely to watch the Developing a YouTube Strategy course, it’s absolutely not worth it.

But presumably, you’re getting LinkedIn Premium so you can watch multiple courses in the LinkedIn Learning library every month. Thus, to answer the question of whether or not the course is worth it, it’s more about your time than anything else.

If you’re a beginner who doesn’t know how you should go about starting a YouTube channel, the Developing a YouTube Strategy course will give you a basic understanding of what you should be doing. The course will basically teach you what you should be learning next.

Since the course is only 37 minutes, there is no harm in sitting down for a TV program span and watching a course instead. It’s pretty helpful for beginners. Intermediate and advanced users might also find the course useful, but if you have something better to do, for example, create and upload a video to YouTube, you might prefer to do that instead.

==> Get The Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Here!

Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Review

And that does it for my review of Ash Blodgett’s Developing a YouTube Strategy course on LinkedIn Learning. I have a review box in all my reviews where I summarize my opinion on the course and give various ratings. I usually will provide ratings in three categories; content, price, and bonuses.

Since the Developing a YouTube Strategy course is a part of the LinkedIn Learning library, I will not rate its price or bonuses categories. It’s unfair to give a rating in these categories to any LinkedIn Learning course as one LinkedIn Learning subscription provides access to thousands of different classes.

If you would like to see if you should get LinkedIn Learning, check out this post: Is LinkedIn Learning Worth It?

I hope you enjoyed my Developing a YouTube Strategy course review. Have you tried Ash Blodgett’s Developing a YouTube Strategy course on LinkedIn Learning? Let me know in the comment section below!

Ash Blodgett's Developing a YouTube Strategy Course Summary
  • Content


Ash Blodgett’s Developing a YouTube Strategy course on the LinkedIn Learning platform is a short, fun 37-minute course that will show you the roadmap to starting a successful YouTube channel. It’s great for beginners who have a LinkedIn Learning subscription.

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