Tom Kuegler's Medium Mastery Course Review

Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery Course Review – Can You Make Money On Medium?

Can you make money writing on Medium? That’s what I sought out to do after seeing stories of people making money on Medium within a few weeks of writing. One day, I saw a woman writing about how she made a few dollars in her first week of writing on Medium. I was shocked. I had been writing a blog post every day, and I was only making a few cents. Intrigued by how she did it, I clicked her blog post and read the article.

I learned that the writer was following Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course. Because I wanted to make money on Medium, I decided to take a look at the Medium Mastery course. After a few weeks, my Medium earnings did improve, and I learned a lot, but my earnings haven’t reached the levels that I desired. I want to share what was good about the course and what could be improved in my Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery Course Review.

What Is Medium Mastery?

Medium Mastery is a course Tom Kuegler developed to help people learn how to make money on Medium. Now you might be asking, what is Medium and how can I earn money from it?

To me, Medium is an all-in-one social media, subscription, and blogging website. On Medium, you can read other people’s blog posts and clap for them (the equivalent of liking a social media post). You can also write your own blog posts, and people can read and clap for them too.

medium logo

Although you can read some blog posts and write for free, there is a membership system that will unlock specific blog posts and let you earn money from writing. This membership costs about $5 USD per month.

Once you are a Medium member, you then have to join Medium’s Partner Program to start earning money. Once you set up a Medium partnership, you can write “metered” articles (posts that only Medium members can read) and make money from people who read your articles.

Medium Mastery is a course Tom Kuegler created to teach you his best writing practices, growing your follower base, and making money on Medium. Let’s jump into some of the things he teaches.

The Medium Mastery Contents

The Medium Mastery course has six weeks of content diving Medium best practices and two bonus modules on building out your earning strategies externally from Medium. Additionally, buying the Medium Mastery course will also get you access to a fantastic community on Slack where you can get a ton of support in your endeavors.

Here’s a summary of what you will be learning in the Medium Mastery course:

Week 1. Breaking Into Medium

In the first week of the Medium Mastery course, you learn the basics of how you’re going to make money on Medium and some of the crucial factors in succeeding as a writer on Medium. This is when you’ll get quick introductions to concepts such as curation and contributing to publications to grow on Medium, but the main focus is on getting you into a habit of writing.

Week 2. Quick Medium “Hacks”

The second week of the Medium Mastery course gives you various tips and tricks on writing better and getting more content ideas.

Week 3. Headlines, Content, and Psychology, OH MY

This is the start of the best part of the Medium Mastery course, in my opinion. From my experience, headlines and content are the most crucial part of success on Medium. Week three of the Medium Mastery course will teach you how to write better headlines and content, which will result in higher viewership and earnings.

Week 4. Mastering Headlines

Week four was definitely one of my favorite sections. Once you got a little introduction to headlines, week four makes it even better by introducing a tool you can use to analyze your own headlines. This is when you’ll start seeing the difference between articles with good headlines and articles with bad headlines.

Week 5. Mastering Medium (Part 1)

Week five is all about getting to the top of Medium. This means becoming a top writer in various categories on Medium and getting published in some of the most prominent Medium publications.

Week 6. Mastering Medium (Part 2)

As the heading suggests, week six is the second part about mastering Medium. This section focuses on writing viral posts and how to continue building out into the future. It’s the conclusion to Medium Mastery.

Bonus Module: How To Build An Email List

This module is a short module on building an email list. Building an email list will make your life a lot easier, but there is a lot to it. Tom Kuegler doesn’t give you that much – just the basics on how to get started.

Bonus Module: Monetizing Your Following

This is the final section of the course where Tom Kuegler goes through various ways to make money from the assumed Medium following you created from applying everything you learned. Tom Kuegler goes pretty deep into hosting webinars and selling online courses, but otherwise, all the other methods are quick introductions to various money-making methods.

In addition to all the video and text lessons you get in the six weeks, each week comes with two writing templates for a total of 12 that you can use for your Medium blog posts.

Now that you got a general idea of what the Medium Mastery course contains, I will jump into what I like and dislike.

As a disclosure, by the time you’re reading this article, there is a good chance that the content has changed. For a quick summary of the changes, you can either scroll down to my “updates” section or see the course sales page for the relevant course curriculum.

==> Get The Medium Mastery Course Here!

What I Like About Medium Mastery

1. It Works

The first thing you consider before buying any make money online course is, does it work? I am happy to say that Tom Kuegler’s strategies in the Medium Mastery course do work. You can make money online from it. You can definitely get followers from Medium and then make money from the Medium Partner Program. Additionally, using other monetization strategies mentioned by Tom, such as affiliate marketing, can diversify and increase your income.

2. You Learn A Ton About Writing

Learning how to write headlines and content that gets people to buy or take specific actions, it’s going to change your life. The writing skills you learn in Medium Mastery are transferrable to many different online businesses and other endeavors you might undergo in your life.

3. The Medium Mastery Support Group Is Very Supportive

The best part about Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course is its Slack support channel. It’s one of the better groups I’ve experienced. It’s pretty active, has hardly any spam, and people are generally there to give and get help.

4. Tom Kuegler Keeps The Course Updated

Tom also actively connects with his students, asking for our opinion all the time. He does a great job of following up on what we dislike and continuously updates the course according to new Medium changes and our feedback.

If you scroll towards the end of this blog post, you’ll see that I have a section (or multiple sections depending on when you read this article) titled something like “Medium Mastery Month Year Update.” It’s because Tom Kuegler makes an update every so often, and thus, I give my own update to keep this review relevant.

What I Don’t Like About Medium Mastery

1. Expectations For Success Are Set Too High

“In six weeks, I can get you your first 1,000 true fans.”

“You’ll probably be able to pay for this course over the next 5-10 weeks.”

If you work hard, work smart, and follow everything Tom Kuegler teaches in you in the Medium Mastery course, you can hit those 1,000 true fans and $500 per month benchmarks Tom talks about on the Medium Mastery sales page.

That’s what I told myself. However, the reality is much different. Personally, after a year, the highest I earned in one month was $19.70, and I’ve only made over $10 three times. I’m sitting at 775 followers, and in a good month, I can reach 1,500 views on my blog posts. Here’s my Medium profile.

I didn’t follow everything Tom suggested in the course. I very rarely published in large publications and hardly ever got curated. Why? Because I’m not good enough. Large publications and the Medium Curation Team rejected almost all my articles.

Unless you’re already a prolific writer who writes stories that people want to read and loves doing so, you’re going to have a hard time on Medium. Medium is already filled with established writers who produce extraordinary content. With so many articles flying around the platform, people with their limited time will focus only on the best of the best.

But I’m not saying it’s impossible to succeed on Medium as a beginner. You just have to be ready for rejection, criticism, and a lack of earnings. As long as you’re prepared to improve your writing and blog consistently, no matter how you feel, you’ll be fine.

2. The Price Is A Bit Too High

With a one-time payment of $397 USD or three payments of $149 USD per month, the knowledge, abilities, and connections I made from this course were worth it. But how much is this course worth in relation to other similar courses?

Not that much. The Medium Mastery course is a little overpriced compared to what’s on the market. Something like Frank Hatchett’s Savage Affiliates course seems like it offers so much more than Medium Mastery and is one to two hundred dollars cheaper.

Compared to the courses I’ve taken before, I would price Medium Mastery between $197 and $297. $197 would be a fantastic price, and $297 would be reasonable. $397 is a little too high.

What does justify the price a little is that there are no courses in the make money on Medium niche that provide the same value as Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course. So charging a little higher does make sense considering that you’re not finding this kind of deal about making money on Medium anywhere else.

How Much Does Medium Mastery Cost?

On the topic of cost, I’m going to talk about how much the actual Medium Mastery course costs in addition to the money you need to spend to be successful doing what the course teaches you.

As I have already mentioned, the Medium Mastery course will cost you a one-time payment of $397 USD or three payments of $149 USD per month. The good thing about the Medium Mastery course is that there are very few costs afterward.

One of the only separate costs you will incur is a Medium Membership subscription. The membership is $5 USD per month or $50 USD per year. You are required to get a Medium Membership to earn money from the blog posts you write.

You may also look to get a ConvertKit subscription if you decide to follow the Medium Mastery Bonus Module – How To Build An Email List. It’s not necessary, but you can give it a try. You’ll only have to pay if you reach over 1,000 email subscribers anyway.

Basically, in one year, you’ll pay about $447 USD to get started. Once you get rolling, you can limit your cost to only your Medium Membership subscription as you get to keep the Medium Mastery course for life.

That’s awesome. If you forget about the course costs, you only have to make $5 per month to breakeven or profit a little. Trust me, earning $5 per month on Medium is not that hard.

Is Medium Mastery Worth It?

That brings me to the next question. Is Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course worth it?

My answer is a resounding yes. There are no courses I know of that offer the same valuable content on making money on Medium as Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course does. Tom Kuegler is legit. You will make money if you learn the Medium Mastery content and do as Tom Kuegler tells you.

However, don’t expect to get 1,000 followers and make $500 a month immediately. The competition on Medium is tough. You have to be prepared to become a great writer or already be a fantastic writer. That means you have to be ready to get rejected, fail, learn, and keep going no matter what happens.

If you can climb the mountain and elevate your writing skills, then you will be able to go much further than $500 per month. Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course is the perfect place to get rolling on Medium.

==> Get Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery Course Here!

Medium Mastery March 2021 Update

As I look at the Medium Mastery course again in March 2021, Tom Kuegler has updated about 40% of the course. Here’s the new course curriculum:

  • Welcome To Medium Mastery
  • Week 1 – How To Write Great Articles
  • Week 2 – How To Write Irresistible Headlines On Medium
  • Week 3 – The Basics Of Medium
  • Week 4 – How To Get Into Medium Publications
  • Week 5 – How To Build Your Own Medium Publication
  • Week 6 – How To Go Viral On Medium And Beyond

The bonus modules are still the same. For the most part, the course has been updated to match some of Medium’s new looks and include the new features. The content is mostly the same as before, though.

The one big new thing is “Week 5 – How To Build Your Own Medium Publication.” The addition of this new module is why I praise Tom Kuegler’s ability to keep the course updated. Many people, including me, requested a module on building our own Medium publications, and he delivered.

Building your own publication on Medium is not required, but it can allow you to take control of your own success. If you have your own publication, you have exclusive access to the people who follow your publication and are not reliant on other people accepting your blog posts. Tom Kuegler provides excellent tips in his new module.

Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery Course Review

That’s it for my review on Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course. I hope you enjoyed my Medium Mastery course review. Let me know if you have any questions about the course and I’ll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.

==> Get Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery Course Here!

Have you taken Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course before? If you have or haven’t, let me know what you think in the comment section below! I appreciate all and any feedback you have.

Tom Kuegler's Medium Mastery Course Summary $349 USD
  • Content
  • Price
  • Bonuses


Tom Kuegler’s Medium Mastery course is the best course for people looking to make an income blogging on Medium. However, you should be careful with what you’re expecting as blogging on Medium may not be something that you want to do.

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